(in memory of all the women and men who fought for our Independence)
Souls may rest in peace
but revolutions go on
they trickle into our blood streams
invade every organ
creep into our minds
sowing seeds of doubts
its roots growing inwards
to reach a generation...
Just as the forests grow quietly
calling its dead,
calling its living
a thousand questions
continue to haunt
A million souls cry
never forsake!
never abandon!
this quest for freedom!
You can hear them sing:
"I laid down my life for you
I let my blood trickle
I let it soak the earth
So your rivers may never go dry
"Guns exploded in my heart
Riffles shattered my dreams
To give you Independence
To give you reality".
"You may wipe out history
You may burn its memories
You may bury us
At the altars
Of your Twin Towers"
My bones
remain fresh
Your children
Remember my name".
souls may rest in peace
revolutions may sleep
but they never die.
Narathiwat, Thailand
29 oct 2006